End of Summer Catch Up Video! Cultural differences, struggles on the road + our unexpected autumn! (10 Min Watch)
A kitchen catch up chat as we (unexpectedly) go back to school!
Back home from a Summer Travelling
We’re back home in the UK after a summer in the States and I’m sitting down for a personal catch up chat! We got to spend a chunk of the summer with Jared’s family in Austin, TX. And then with my sister in Harlem, NY too. It was a gift to get to go… and then also to come home! In the video I dived into some (one major!) of the cultural differences between the US and UK that we struggle with, and how we find it being on the road. And no, it’s not the lack of liquor in Walmart.
Changing Plans for the Autumn
A year ago we planned to take a sabbatical after Jared finished his PhD. We planned to pull the kids out of school for two months, and had it all sorted. Then between some university mistakes (big ones that have been hard to process) and a new job we didn’t want to turn down… our plans have changed 100 times! It’s now going to be an Autumn of solo parenting. So I’ll take any and all tips for that! I’m sharing a bit more about what it’s going to look like in the video.
The Day One Journal
I mentioned this in the video – This was one of the things I did with my time off social this summer and I’m a HUGE fan! You can see and try it out HERE, but as a big fan of healthy social media use – this is such a good alternative for some of the reasons we use it!